Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sneak Peek: Baby {H}

This little boy was such a dear!  He wasn't very restful at the beginning but at least he has beautiful eyes!  More coming soon! March282012 113b

Monday, March 26, 2012

{R&J} Cooper Wedding

Back in January, I had the pleasure of taking engagement pictures of this wonderful couple!  I knew {R} when I was growing up and I was so honored to get to take their engagements!
I wasn't there "official" wedding photography but a large number of my friends and family were in attendance and I wanted to remember this great day.

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(01) Bridesmaid
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(02)  Grandmother of the Bride
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(03) Sister of the Bride
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(04) Brother of the Bride

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(05) For the First Time "Mr. & Mrs. Cooper"
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baby {S}

I'm back with more of this little angel. She might have been a little hard to console during the shoot but we still got some cute ones!

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(02)  She is so lucky to have two wonderful sisters who already love her unconditionally.
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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Summer Photo Shoots 2012 Options

I have a number of, what I hope will be really fun, ideas floating around in my head.  This summer I'm hoping to do 3 separate shoots. Two with adult models and one with children. I thought since some people seemed interested, I would put the third one to a vote.

I already have one pinned down for sure and that one will involve children.  I'm pretty excited for that one already.

On to the voting:

The first one: Imagine people in white.  Now imagine them covered in paint.  I have a couple ideas for fun places to shoot these and it will be very urban.  I'm thinking that this one will involve about 4 people.

The second one:  The Salt Flats.  In my mind, it is a 1900's picnic.  The time period might change depending on the costumes that I can find.

The third one:  Journey into Childhood.  I'm thinking mud pies, tree forts, chasing butterflies and anything else that might come to mind.  I thought for this one, it would be fun to have my models think of different things that they loved to do as children.

If you want to have your voice hear, go to the RIGHT of this page and scroll down till you find the poll.  If you have ideas for shoots that you want to run passed me, leave me a message in the comments.  Thanks so much!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sneak Preview: Baby {S}

I'm experimenting with newborn photography on any 2 week old that I can get a hold of and this little one was a pleasure to get a hold of.

Baby {S} was such a good sport about sleeping in a hat box.  And doesn't she look cute doing it?

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More to come in a couple days!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The {P} Family

Again, I want to say that this family is A RIOT!!!  I loved hanging out with them and their hilarious personalities made for some great candid moments.

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I know that they are going to be great parents because they love each other and no matter what, they have FUN with each other.  I can't wait to see their little baby (but it is going to be via Facebook since they live in California)!  He is going to be the luckiest boy in the world.